文明:太空 通關畫面及失敗畫面圖文資料一覽
文明:太空 通關畫面及失敗畫面圖文資料一覽
Transcendence Victory
As the Mind Flower opened itself to full bloom, so did our minds open to the planet whose life we had shared for so very long. There was no moment of awakening. Rather, as with the gentle rising of dawn’s first light, our human experience was illuminated by the truth of what we were and what we would become. In that light we found ourselves.
We are together, now. We are one. We are waiting.

Promised Land Victory
他們站立不動,眼神凝望無名的眾星和星座。這個世界顯得如此怪異;如此不確定的未來。俯瞰全新的地球,眼見自己的手足弟兄 - 那些冒所有風險為我們準備一切的弟兄。就是此刻,他們了解自己已然歸鄉。
They stood there, unmoving. Eyes fixed upon stars and constellations for which they had no names. How strange this world must have seemed; their futures, so uncertain. Lowering their eyes to the new Earth, they saw their brethren - Those who had prepared this place for them, and in so doing, risked all. It was then, in that moment, they knew they were home.

Emancipation Victory
There were those who welcomed us, and embraced the future we represented. There were those that rejected us, fleeing from our messengers, afraid of their own freedom and potential. This was our burden -- the burden of those blessed with vision. And, as technology does with all things, it will heal these wounds. It will quench the fire of this transformation. Liberated from their weaknesses, the people of Earth gaze upon their deliverers with new eyes and see us as we truly are: Heroes. Prophets. The saviors of humankind.

Contact Victory
所有的人類歷史都引導我們到這一點。現今,人性從孤立的陰影中浮現出來。最大的問題 --“我們是孤獨的嗎?”-- 終於有了答案。我們沒有辦法預見我們會找到誰或是什麽,但我們知道,我們準備好了。做為我們這個星球、種族、物種的大使,我們勇敢地挺身而出,迎接我們的同胞,並把我們這個地方帶往星群。
All human history has led us to this point. Today, humanity emerges from the shadows of isolation. The greatest question -- “Are we alone?” -- has finally been answered. There was no way to anticipate who or what we would discover, but we knew that we were ready. As ambassadors of our planet, our race, our species, we step forward boldly to greet our fellow beings and take our place among the stars.

Domination Victory
In the annals of history, the Great Mistake will forever be seen as a terrible and glorious war which damaged our homeworld beyond repair. In this, history is wrong. The mistake was not the war – It was our belief that we could start over. That when faced with mutual destruction, there could be peace between nations. It is only now, many years later, and halfway across the universe that we see the truth. There is only one path to peace and it must be walked alone.

Time Victory
曾有人說,時間就是座偉大的均衡器。然而,我們站在這裡,毅力帶給我們勝利。這個世界上有著和平與戰爭,它見證了殖民地的興衰,無論或大或小。它已經臣服於時間的摧殘,所有的事情 - 每一件事,除了我們。
It has been said that time is the great equalizer. And yet here we stand, triumphant in our perseverance. This world has known peace and war. It has borne witness to the rise and fall of colonies, both great and small. And it has succumbed to the ravages of time, as do all things – All things, except for us.

We thought ourselves invincible. We, who survived Earth’s darkest hour and led humanity’s charge across the universe. We, who in hope and desperation, made our home amongst the stars. We, who sought only to survive, and through that survival achieve greatness. We thought ourselves invincible…
We were wrong.
