星海爭霸2 StarCraftⅡ
  • 發售: 更新:2024-11-30
  • 發行: 平台:PC
  • 開發: Blizzard Entertainment
  • 平台: 發售:2010-07-27
  • 類型: 即時戰略
  • 語言: 簡中 繁中 英文
《星海爭霸2》(StarCraftⅡ)是由Blizzard Entertainment製作發行的一款即時戰略遊戲,是《星海爭霸》系列的第二部作品。遊戲以三部曲的形式推出,即《星海爭霸2:自由之翼》(Wings of Liberty)、《星海爭霸2:蟲群之心》(Heart of the Swarm)和《星海爭霸2:虛空之遺》(Legacy of the Void)。   《星海爭霸2》劇情上延續了《星海爭霸》初代作品的劇情和世界觀,保留了一些《星海爭霸》的兵種與建築,同時一些兵種被賦予了新的技能,一些兵種被淘汰或代替了。舊有兵種、升級兵種以及全新的兵種一一登場,為了各自種族的生存,展開搏殺,戰火燒遍整個星系。遊戲結構類似於《星海爭霸》,主要的遊戲技巧著重在資源上,玩家用采集的資源建造不同的建築、軍隊並進行升級。


以下是暴雪最近爆出來的一封內部郵件,發信時間是08/3/22,發信人是暴雪董事長Michael Morhaime,收信人是全體暴雪員工,抄送董事會全體高層。至今為止此信還沒有得到暴雪的確認,吾隻管翻譯,不予置評!



相信大家都已經知道了,在昨天晚上,我們決定凍結目前關於星際2項目的進度。(we have decided to pull the plug on starcraft 2)









Michael Morhaime

董事長 暴雪娛樂


Sent: 22/03/2008

From: Michael Morhaime

To: Blizzard PR; Blizzard Dev; WWi08; Founders Group;

CC: Rod A. Rigole; Paul Maglione; Bobby Kotick; Bruce Hack; Frank Pearce; Rob

Pardo; Jeffrey Kaplan;

Dear All.

As many of you are already aware, last night we have decided to pull the plug on

StarCraft 2.

In this letter, I’d like to share with you all exactly how and why this decisin was made.

We are well aware that many of you will not take this decision lightly, especially

considering the bitter aftertaste of StarCraft Ghost, and the disproportional resources

dedicated to the WarCraft franchise.

Prior to making this decision, I have personally sat down with Sales and Marketing, QA

personnel, developers and artists, progamers and a few community managers. None have

provided an answer which could support a different decision. Not a single person was

able to justify StarCraft 2‘s existence.

World of WarCraft is our 800 lb gorilla.

No MMORPG, RTS or FPS game can leave anything more than a dent in Blizzard!s

subscriber count. Every single person that reads this letter has a family that benefits from

World of WarCraft’s existenc and its utter dominance as the most commercially

successful game of all time.

The only thing that can hurt World of WarCraft‘s subscriber base, is another Blizard

game. We do not expect any other company in the world to be able to subtract as much as

300,000 subscribers from WoW‘s numbers.

How much will StarCraft 2’s release cost Blizzard Entertainment?

The safest estimates are around 5% of World of WarCraft’s subscriber bas.

500,000 users will leave World of Warcraft, taking $90,000,000 worth of yearly

subscriber fees with them.

Do we believe StarCraft 2 would have been successful? Yes.

But only as long as we are looking at the small picture.

My responsibilities towards Activision, Vivendi, shareholders and Blizzard‘s own

employees and their families, prevented me from taking any other course.   

My door is always open. 

Best regards,

Michael Morhaime


Blizzard Entertainment 

