星露穀物語 Stardew Valley
  • 發售: 更新:2024-12-27
  • 發行: 平台:PC Switch
  • 開發: ConcernedApe
  • 平台: 發售:2016-02-27
  • 類型: 模擬經營
  • 語言: 簡中 英文
《Stardew Valley》,一些喜歡經典日式RPG遊戲的玩家並不陌生。它是一款單人開發作品,由ConcernedApe負責,不過《星際邊境》的作者Chucklefish也有協助,並負責發行該作品。回到遊戲本身,這是一款演繹田園生活的RPG遊戲,支持最多4人協力遊戲。在自己的農場中,玩家可以種莊稼、飼養牲畜,可以打造建築或裝飾自己的房子。 此外,玩家還可以訪問附近的村莊和集市,在這裡可以見到其他角色,可以和人結婚哦。烹飪、釣魚、手工業,進入隨機生成的洞穴中探險,找到新資源,同怪物戰鬥等等。

星露穀物語 1.07版本更新內容解析攻略

 星露穀物語 1.07版本更新內容解析攻略


in-law dialogue... when you marry someone, their parents/relatives dialogues will change slightly to account for the change.

fruit trees can't be destroyed by lightning

fruit trees produce higher quality fruit as they age. (once per year, up to gold star)

fruit tree harvesting now involves shaking the tree to drop the fruit.

fixed grammar (e.g. "Eat a egg?") on eating dialogue.

hardware mouse cursor option

fixed sunflower seed price at joja.

NPC's at 10 hearts friendship will no longer decay

restored lost sprinkler effects

potential weed greenhouse bug fix

potential bug fix for an audio engine path problem that prevented the game from starting

Game now keePS a backup save file for your character (previous day)

Added another digit to the shipping menu money counters.

Minor changes/fixes to dialogue.

update at 6:16pm PST March 28th

Poppy properly consumed in poppyseed muffin recipe

Can no longer "use" trap bobbers (click to make them disappear with strange sound)

Spouse stands next to you at the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

Tools left in chests within farm buildings won't count as "missing"

dying in mines is less harsh: money lost caps at 5000g, rate of item loss reduced slightly, can't lose rings or a certain very rare weapon.





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