戰錘40K:星際戰士 Warhammer 40000 Space
  • 發售: 更新:2024-11-28
  • 發行: 平台:PC PS3
  • 開發: THQ
  • 平台: 發售:2011-09-06
  • 類型: 第三人稱射擊
  • 語言: 簡中 英文
《戰錘40K:星際戰士》的劇情設定於41世紀的未來,人類帝國與異星種族展開極其慘烈的戰爭。人類陣營的菁英就是星際戰士,而在星際戰士之中,又以Ultra Marines為其中的佼佼者,而玩家將扮演Ultra Marines中的一名叫做泰魯斯的戰士,以他的角度來參與到一場腥風血雨的戰役中。   《戰錘40K:星際戰士》的遊戲特徵在於玩家操作的人物射擊與近戰兼備,這個源自戰棋版本的設計在即時戰略的《戰錘40k:破曉之戰》系列就發揮得不錯,這回以動作玩法重現的效果也相當不賴:主角朝排山倒海而來的敵人不斷開火射擊,一有漏網之魚貼近身邊,立即抽出鏈鋸劍將它們劈成兩截,再一腳踩爆沒死透家夥的腦袋...


The demo is planned to launch simultaneously for the Xbox 360®video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Windows PC on 23rd August and then on PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system on 24th August.

Players who have pre-ordered the digital PC version of Space Marine through Steam will receive an exclusive early access period starting on the 18th of August, running through the weekend.  Steam will also be running a Warhammer 40,000 bundle sale at a very special rate during the same period.  Check out STEAM for more details.

Space Marine ‘Honour Guard’ community members will also get the chance to play the demo early on August 22nd, 24 hours prior to the public launch. For more information on how to sign up to get the demo visit http://www.spacemarine.com/user/register and make sure you have registered with the Honour Guard.

公眾DEMO發布日:PC&XBOX 360是8月23日(美國時間,下同),PS3是8月24日。

steam預購用戶18號可玩,官網論壇注冊用戶22號可玩(注冊地址: http://www.spacemarine.com/user/register

The Steam demo is slated to launch in just under 14 hours (Between 10:00am-12:00pm PST) for the Honour Guard. With that being said I will update this thread on how you can get your unique Honour Guard key once it is live.

You will need to have Steam installed on your system & it will require internet access.

Steam上的SM DEMO會在太平洋時間10:00am-12:00pm之間會開始(北京時間23:00pm-1:00am)開放給榮譽衛隊(官網論壇用戶)。屆時會更新獲取方式。




得到你的代碼 和 在steam上 點添加》激活產品》粘貼代碼繼續就可下載
