全境封鎖2 Tom Clancys The Division 2
  • 發售: 更新:2024-12-30
  • 發行: 平台:PC PS4 XBOXONE Stadia
  • 開發: Massive Entertainment
  • 平台: 發售:2019-03-15
  • 類型: 第三人稱射擊
  • 語言: 簡中 繁中 英文





General Modifiers 通用

One In The Head

+25% Headshot damage. 爆頭傷害增加+25%

Deft Hands

+30% increased reload speed. 增加30%裝彈速度

Breath Control

30% weapon stability and reduced recoil. 30%武器穩定性和後坐力減緩

My Home Is My Castle

Increased armor while in cover. 在掩體後方可增加護甲值

Vital Protection

Reduce the chance you are critically hit in Conflict by 20%. 在衝突模式下減少20%受到暴擊的概率

Sharpshooter Tactical Link

Group members gain +10% Headshot damage when they are closer to the target than you. 小隊成員比你更接近目標時對其+10%爆頭傷害

Weapon Modifiers 武器

Flashbang Grenade

The flashbang grenade blinds enemies. 閃光彈,可致盲敵人

Sharpshooter 93R

A three round burst 93R. 給與三連發手槍93R


+10% increased sidearm damage. +10%副武器傷害

Signature Weapon Damage

+145% increased Signature Weapon damage. 專精武器傷害增加+145%

This is My Rifle

+15% increased Marksman Rifle damage. +15%射手步槍傷害

Digital Scope

Digital scope for bigger distances. 解鎖更遠視距的瞄準鏡

Skill Modifiers 技能


The tactician drone marks enemies for all group members. Tactician無人機可標記敵人,全小隊成員可見

Graphene Battery

Carbon Fiber Frame

Misc 雜項

X-Stat Armor Kit-Supplementary

Armor kits repair 50% less, but remove status effects and increase bleed, burn and hazard resistances for 20 seconds. 護甲包只可回復50%護甲,但可以移除狀態效果影響,同時增加流血,燃燒和危害防護抗性,持續20秒

.50 Caliber Ammo Acquisition

Headshot kills drop Signature Weapon ammo, except for kills with the TAC-50 C Rifle. 爆頭擊殺可掉落專精武器彈藥,但不包括使用專精武器TAC-50 C造成的爆頭擊殺

Group Signature Ammo Supply

Kills with the Signature Weapon have a chance to drop Signature Weapon ammo for all group or raid members. 使用專精武器擊殺目標有概率為全隊或全團掉落專精武器彈藥

Round After Round

Receive 5 ammo per 10 seconds for your rifles after 20 seconds in cover. 在掩體內待超過20秒後,每10秒可為步槍增加5發彈藥

Marksman Uniform

An outfit for the Sharpshooter. 解鎖神射手外觀
