全境封鎖2 Tom Clancys The Division 2
  • 發售: 更新:2024-12-30
  • 發行: 平台:PC PS4 XBOXONE Stadia
  • 開發: Massive Entertainment
  • 平台: 發售:2019-03-15
  • 類型: 第三人稱射擊
  • 語言: 簡中 繁中 英文





General Modifiers 通用


Increase burn resistance by +20%. +20%燃燒抵抗

Explosive Ordnance

+25% increased explosive damage. Affects explosive grenades, skills and effects. +25%爆炸傷害,對爆破手雷,技能和效果具有影響

Vital Protection

Reduce the chance you are critically hit in Conflict by 20%. 在衝突模式下減少20%受到暴擊的概率

Demolitionist Tactical Link

Group members gain +5% damage to targets out of cover. 小隊成員對掩體外的目標增加+5%傷害

Weapon Modifiers 武器

Fragmentation Grenade

The fragmentation grenade deals damage and causes targets to bleed. 破片手榴彈,造成傷害並使目標流血

Diceros Special

A .357 Magnum Revolver. 給與.357 Magnum Revolver手槍


+10% increased sidearm damage. +10%副武器傷害

Signature Weapon Damage

+145% increased Signature Weapon damage. 專精武器傷害增加+145%

Spray and Pray

+15% increased SMG damage. +15%衝鋒槍傷害


+15% increased LMG damage. +15%輕機槍傷害

Small Laser Pointer

Underbarrel attachment for short and long rails. 解鎖小型鐳射瞄準裝置配件,可安裝在長和短槍管武器上

Skill Modifiers 技能


The artillery turret launches ordinance at nearby targeted locations. 榴彈炮塔,對附近目標發射榴彈

Cyclone Magazine

Mod to increase the turret’s ammunition count. 增加炮塔彈藥數的模組


Mod to increase the turret’s damage. 增加炮塔傷害的模組

Misc 雜項

X-Stat Armor Kit-Supplementary

Armor kits repair 70% damage and boost weapon handling by 100% for 15 seconds. On completion, an additional 30% repair occurs. 護甲包隻回復70%護甲,同時增加武器操控能力100%,持續15秒。效果結束後恢復剩下30%的護甲

40 mm Grenade Acquisition

Explosive kills drop Signature Weapon ammo, except when caused by the Grenade Launcher. 爆炸擊殺可掉落專精武器彈藥

Group Signature Ammo Supply

Multi-Kills with Explosives grant a chance to gain Signature Weapon ammo to all group or raid members. 通過爆炸造成的多重擊殺有概率為全隊或全團掉落專精武器彈藥

Crisis Response

When armor is reduced to 0, refills all main weapon ammo.當護甲值降至0,重新填滿所有主武器彈藥

Braced for Impact

Ignore explosions. Can only trigger once every 60 seconds. 每60秒無視一次爆炸效果

Demolitionist Uniform

An outfit for the Demolitionist. 解鎖爆破專家外觀
