暗黑破壞神3 Diablo 3
  • 發售: 2012-05-15 (PC)
  • 發行: 暴雪
  • 開發: 暴雪
  • 平台: PC Switch PS4 XboxONE
  • 類型: 動作遊戲
  • 語言: 簡中 英文 多國
《暗黑破壞神3(Diablo 3)》是由暴雪製作發行的一款動作角色扮演遊戲,是人氣系列《暗黑破壞神》的第三代正統作品。玩家可以在七種不同的職業中進行選擇,每種職業都有一套獨特的魔法和技能。玩家在冒險中可以挑戰無以計數的惡魔、怪物和強大的BOSS,逐漸累積經驗,增強能力,並且獲得具有神奇力量的物品。遊戲的資料片《暗黑破壞神3:死神之鐮》於2014年3月25日發售。

暗黑破壞神3 現金拍賣行詳解


Choosing Which Auction House: Players decide between gold auction house and real-money auction house. In each of Diablo 3's game regions -- The Americas, Europe, and Asia, there is a separate set of gold and real-money auction houses that is supported by the different currencies in the region. Accounts may have a maximum of 10 active auctions per gold and real-money auction houses.



Access to Home Region Auction Houses Only: Players will be able to access the real-money auction houses in their "home" game region only. Due to various factors, including technology, regional regulations and different currencies, the auction house for each currency is completely independent.


The AmericasU.S. Dollar (USD)Mexican Peso (MXN)Brazilian Real (BRL)Argentine Peso (ARS)Chilean Peso (CLP)Australian Dollar (AUD)



EuropeBritish Pound Sterling (GBP)Euro (EUR)Russian Ruble (RUB)


Asia 亞服No real-money auction house available at launch 發售時無現金拍賣行

Max and Minimum Bids:

Gold-Based Auction House: Minimum is 100 gold, and the maximum is 100,000,000,000 gold.

Real-Money Auction House: Minimum is $1.25 and maximum is $250.


金幣拍賣行:最小金額是100G,最大是 100,000,000,000G


Auction House Fees

Before you post your auction, any fees that apply to your listing is displayed in the center section of the Sell tab, and these fees will only be charged if the auction successfully sells, and will be deducted from the item's final selling price.


How to Cash Out: Players must select the 'cash out' option as they're listing the item for sale. Money earned and sent to their battle.net balance is non-transferable to a third-party payment service (like Paypal).


