石油之亂 Turmoil
  • 發售: 更新:2024-12-27
  • 發行: 平台:PC
  • 開發: Gamious
  • 平台: 發售:2016-06-02
  • 類型: 模擬經營
  • 語言: 英文














tut_rig_rocks = You can now upgrade rigs so you can drill through rocks.

tut_rig_rocks =你現在可以升級,所以你可以鑽透岩石鑽機。

tut_branch_2 = You can now connect three pipes to each joint.

tut_branch_2 =你現在可以連接三管各接頭。

tut_branch_3 = You can now connect five pipes to each joint.

tut_branch_3 =你現在可以連接五管各接頭。

tut_rig_speed_2 = You can now speed up drilling!

tut_rig_speed_2 =你現在可以加快鑽井!

tut_rig_speed_3 = You can now drill super fast!

tut_rig_speed_3 =你現在可以鑽超快速!

tut_rig_timer_2 = Thanks to the Timer upgrade, rigs will now take longer before they spill over.

tut_rig_timer_2 =感謝定時升級,平台將現在需要更長的時間才能溢出。

tut_rig_timer_3 = Your rigs will now take even longer to spill over.

tut_rig_timer_3 =你的裝備將需要更長的時間溢出。

tut_elbow_wrap = Click the joints between pipes to open and close the oil and gas flow.

tut_elbow_wrap =點擊管道的開啟與關閉的石油和天然氣流量之間的接頭。

tut_elbow_left = Use a pipeline to transport gas to my company, and I’ll raise the oil price to compensate you!

tut_elbow_left =用管道輸送天然氣到我公司,我會提高石油價格來補償你!

tut_elbow_right = Use a pipeline to transport gas to my company, and the oil price will be more right than ever!

tut_elbow_right =用管道輸送天然氣到我公司,和石油價格將比以往更多的權利!

tut_elbow_thermal = If you find gas, encircle it with pipes. Then activate all the joints in the loop to start the thermal process. This will make the gas expand.

tut_elbow_thermal =如果你發現氣體,包圍它的管道。然後激活循環中的所有關節,開始熱過程。這將使氣體膨脹。

tut_elbow_thermal_2 = Gas will now expand faster in the thermal process.

tut_elbow_thermal_2 =氣現在將擴大在熱過程更快。

tut_elbow_thermal_3 = Gas will now expand even faster in the thermal process.

tut_elbow_thermal_3 =氣將會更快的熱加工過程中擴大。

tut_pipe_2 = To upgrade a pipe’s capacity, just click on it!

tut_pipe_2 =提升管的能力,只是點擊它!

tut_pipe_3 = You can now upgrade pipes twice.

tut_pipe_3 =你現在可以升級管兩。

tut_silo_2 = Click the button above the silo to upgrade the storage capacity of your silo against a small cost.

tut_silo_2 =點擊上面的按鈕來升級你的倉庫的存儲容量對小成本。

tut_silo_3 = You can now upgrade silos twice.

tut_silo_3 =你現在可以升級筒倉兩次。

tut_wagon_2 = Use the button near the right hand corner to upgrade all of your wagons.

tut_wagon_2 =使用按鈕在右上角升級所有你的車。

tut_wagon_3 = You can now upgrade wagons twice.

tut_wagon_3 =你現在可以升級車兩次。

tut_dowser_depth_2 = Your dowsers will now be able to look for deeper oil wells.

tut_dowser_depth_2 =你已可以尋找深層油威爾斯。

tut_dowser_depth_3 = Your dowsers will now be able to look for oil wells at any depth.

tut_dowser_depth_3 =你已可以找油威爾斯在任何深度。

tut_dowser_speed_2 = Your dowsers will now be faster.

tut_dowser_speed_2 =你已將更快。

tut_dowser_speed_3 = Your dowsers will now be lightning fast.

tut_dowser_speed_3 =你已將快如閃電。

tut_scanner_size_2 = You can now do larger scans.

tut_scanner_size_2 =你現在可以做的更大的掃描。

tut_scanner_size_3 = There is no limit to the size of scans anymore!

tut_scanner_size_3 =有大小沒有限制掃描了!

tut_hud_mole = Try your new mole! Click the mole icon.

tut_hud_mole =試用你的痣!點擊摩爾圖標。

tut_mole = Click somewhere in the ground. The mole will uncover this spot, and then dig around to uncover five more random spots. Fun fact: moles are not blind, just very stubborn!

點擊在某個地tut_mole =。鼴鼠會發現這一點,然後挖掘周圍,以發現五個更多的隨機點。有趣的事實:痣不是盲目的,只是很頑固!

tut_hud_scanner = Try your new scanner! Click the scanner icon.

tut_hud_scanner =試試你的新的掃描儀!單擊掃描儀圖標。

tut_scanner = Point your mouse cursor in the ground. Wait until the size is right, and then click to reveal the area.

tut_scanner =點滑鼠游標放在地面上。等待,直到大小是正確的,然後單擊以顯示該區域。

tut_mole_diamond = Moles can now dig up diamonds! If you find a diamond, put a mole directly on it.

tut_mole_diamond =痣可以挖鑽石!如果你發現一顆鑽石,就直接把它放在上面。

tut_wagon_herd_2 = You can now have 25 wagons maximum.

tut_wagon_herd_2 =你現在可以擁有25輛車的最大。

tut_wagon_herd_3 = You can now have 40 wagons maximum.

tut_wagon_herd_3 =你現在可以擁有40輛車的最大。

tut_mole_gas = When a mole smells gas nearby, it will uncover it for you.

tut_mole_gas =當鼴鼠的氣味氣體附近,它將為你揭開它。

tut_mole_speed_2 = Moles will dig faster.

tut_mole_speed_2 =鼴鼠會挖快。

tut_mole_speed_3 = Moles will dig faster, and uncover cells faster.

tut_mole_speed_3 =鼴鼠會挖得更快,並揭示細胞更快。

tut_mole_cells_2 = Moles will now uncover 9 cells instead of 6.

tut_mole_cells_2 =摩爾將揭開細胞9而不是6。

tut_mole_cells_3 = Moles will now uncover 12 cells instead of 9.

tut_mole_cells_3 =摩爾將揭開細胞12而不是9。

tut_supersilo = You can combine these two silos into a supersilo by pressing the button in between!

tut_supersilo =可以將這兩個筒倉為supersilo按下按鈕之間!
