Act I:第一章
Event: The Collapsed Hallway 事件:崩潰的大廳
Save Deckard Cain! 拯救迪卡凱恩
You are about to enter
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
Boss: The Crypt of the Skeleton King 老闆:骷髏王的地下墓穴
Defeat the Skeleton King! 戰勝骷髏王
You are about to enter
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
BridleRitual_Encounter_Name Event: Cells of the Condemned
You are about to enter
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted (bridle=tyrael)
Boss: The Lair of the Spider Queen老闆:蜘蛛女皇的巢穴
Defeat the Spider Queen!擊敗蜘蛛女皇
You are about to enter
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted (spider caverns arebetween wortham and the highlands)
SpiderQueen Queen Araneae 蜘蛛女皇 艾瑞娜
A1_LeahReining_Encounter_Name Event: The End of the Horadrim
You may already be too late...
You are about to enter
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted ("reining" isan equestrian term but I don't know what it refers to, and this likely takesplace in the torture room in the manor...sorry cain)發生在莊園的折磨之間
Boss: The Butcher's Lair老闆:屠夫的巢穴
Defeat the Butcher!戰勝屠夫!
You are about to enter
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
WithersLair_FloorPanel Withers's Lair (withers=butcher)
Withers_PitFire Fire Pit
Withers_DamagingFire Damaging Fire
Act II:第二章
A2_AdriaSewer_Encounter_Name Event: Adria's Prison
Free Spot's mother from the minions of Belial! (spot must be leah?)
You are about to enter
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
SnakeMan_Caster_A_AdriaTorturer Goz'turr the Torturer
Event: The Imperial Throne Room of Emperor Hakan II
Warn the boy emperor of the machinations of Belial!
You are about to enter
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
Boss: Magda's Den 老闆:馬格達的密室
Defeat Magda! 戰勝馬格達!
You are about to begin
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
Boss: The Battle for the Black Soulstone 老闆:黑色靈魂石之戰
Defeat Zoltun Kulle! 戰勝澤圖·庫
You are about to begin
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
Boss: The Battle for Caldeum 老闆:卡迪安之戰
Defeat Belial, Lord of Lies! 戰勝 貝利亞,謊言君
You are about to begin
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
A2C5Lanzuul_Torso Saddle (saddle=belial)
Act III:第三章
Boss: The Mistress of Pain 老闆:疼痛娘
Defeat the Mistress and destroy the final Demon Heart! 戰勝疼痛娘!
You are about to encounter
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
MistressOfPain Cydaea 疼痛娘名字叫希達婭哦
MistressOfPainVO Cydaea
Boss: The Larder 老闆:拉得(儲食室?)
Defeat the demon Ghom!戰勝那個滿肚子是嘴的家夥!
You are about to enter
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
dressage ghom
Boss: Azmodan's Lair 老闆:阿茲莫丹
Defeat the Lord of Sin!戰勝罪惡君!
You are about to enter
The rest of your party will be able to teleport in once you enter
a3dun_Crater_ST_GiantDemonHeart_Mob Sin Heart
A3_AdriaBetrayal_Encounter_Name Event: Triumphal Return
Azmodan is dead. Celebrate your victory!阿茲掛了,慶祝你的勝利吧!!!
You are about to witness
Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
Fetlock_BSS_soul Soul Essence of Fetlock
Adria_Fetlock_BSS Adria
Bridle_BSS_Fetlock Bridle
A3_Tristram_Mayor Former Mayor Holus