《決勝時刻13:無限戰爭》顯卡測試 顯存需求及幀數成績
techpowerup的文章這樣說道: However, as the performance results in the next section show, even cards with less VRAM have no problems delivering a good framerate, so it's probably just the engine trying to fill up video memory as much as possible, even with assets that might not be needed at all.
這個說法也印證了為啥8G的1070在4K下反而被4G顯存的fury x超了;同樣,自家的8G 480 也沒有領先fury x;3G和6G的1060差距依舊正常。顯存差距並沒有帶來實質差距。
一樣的節奏,4K分辨率下,4G的fury x 略領先8G的1070; 顯存大小沒有明顯的體現。
guru3d是這樣評價的: Up-to Full HD (1920x1080) an up-to 3GB graphics card of decent caliber will do the job just fine really. 4GB is your best bet and target for 2560x1440, especially at the best image quality settings VRAM eats away a large portion of whatever is available.
If you want to play Ultra quality with Ultra HD as preferred monitor resolution, that 4GB is the minimum (unless you are comfortable to twiddle and fiddle around a little with AA settings etc).
所以結論是, 如果你發現自己的8G顯存用掉一大半顯存,並不就是說遊戲本身真的需要那麽多顯存。這只是該遊戲引擎的一個“行為”而已。 更大的顯存對該遊戲肯定有幫助,但有多少提升,恐怕不會明顯。
另外說一個記憶體的問題, 目前還沒有看到有網站針對該遊戲的記憶體消耗對遊戲性能影響的測評。 但一般來說,8GB記憶體對該遊戲來說足以(" will do the job just fine really" )。哪怕佔用率較高,又如何? 難道各位喜歡一半記憶體空閑才舒服?
1, 玩家本身系統有問題,包括各種後台程式、病毒木馬等運行太多。
2, 遊戲本身有問題,等待更新。(目前還沒有看到集中反映遊戲記憶體管理有問題)