巫師3狂獵 解鎖傑洛特等級上限MOD 修改100級方法
巫師3狂獵 解鎖傑洛特等級上限MOD 修改100級方法
原作者說明明中,在levelManager.ws中尋找"GetMaxLevel",以及在playerWitcher.ws中尋找"if ( hud && currentLevel < 80 )",然後將80改成你要的數字,這是修改等級上限的作法。N網原帖地址
-Edit content\scripts\game\gameplay\leveling\levelManager.ws
-Search for "GetMaxLevel" and change the number 80 in that line to the max level you want up to lvl 100 (default for the mod is 80).
-Edit content\scripts\game\player\playerWitcher.ws
-Search for "if ( hud && currentLevel < 80 )" and change it to the lvl you want up to lvl 100 (default for the mod is 80).
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