戰錘:末世鼠疫2 Warhammer: Vermintide 2
  • 發售: 2018-03-09 (PC)
  • 發行: Fatshark
  • 開發: Fatshark
  • 平台: PC PS4 XboxONE
  • 類型: 動作遊戲
  • 語言: 簡中 英文
《戰錘:末世鼠疫2(Warhammer: Vermintide 2)》是一款由Fatshark製作並發行的動作冒險類遊戲,本作為廣受讚譽《戰錘:末世鼠疫》的續作,是時候回到緊張激烈的第一人稱合作殺戮盛宴中了!這裡有著飛濺的內髒、精彩的近戰動作。背景設定在啟示錄風格的末世,位於戰火肆虐的戰錘幻想戰爭世界。 我們的 5 位英雄回歸了,來面對更大的威脅——惡毒而強大的混沌大軍,以及與之聯合的蜂擁鼠人群。準備迎接前所未有的挑戰吧,你和你的隊伍將竭盡全力在永無止境的殺戮中求生。 在 15 種不同的職業中選擇,攀爬天賦樹,自訂你的武器庫來適應你自己的獨特玩法,然後勇敢地闖過無數精彩的關卡,在全新的“英雄偉業系統”中挑戰自我。你和你的盟友將會決定你們會是徹底被擊敗,或是贏得勝利。若你們倒下了——帝國也將傾頹。

戰錘末世鼠疫2 4月6日更新內容介紹

戰錘末世鼠疫2 4月6日更新內容介紹


Welcome to Patch 1.0.5 for Vermintide 2!

歡迎來到末世鼠疫2 1.0.5版本

Version 1.0.5 introduces large changes to combat balance. In order to maintain a close-combat focused game, some enemies are now more resistant to staggering. All weapons have also had their cleave tweaked in order to make some weapons more viable than others, against large hordes of enemies.

1.0.5版本在遊戲平衡上做了很大的改變 。為了讓近戰在一場遊戲中佔主導地位,現在一些敵人將會有更高的抵抗力。為了使一些武器在敵潮來臨的時候更有價值,所有的武器都有了一些穿透力調整

We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to all of our players who participated in the balance beta for version 1.0.5 over the weekend. We've listened to your feedback and adjusted accordingly. We feel that the balance in the game now is in a better state, and that is much due to your dedicated feedback.


2、大標題【Fixes / Tweaks】調整/修改

①Chest rewards from Veteran difficulties will be capped at 300 Hero Power, up from 200.

"We don't want Hero Power progression in the game to stop at Veteran. This change makes it less punishing to stay in Veteran to gain Hero Power.

The higher difficulty levels - Champion and Legend, are meant to really test the skill of the player."

困難難度的箱子 開出裝備最高power(力量)值從200升為300。

我們不想讓遊戲中hero power(全部力量)值停留在困難難度.這個改變會讓在困難難度下獲得的hero power(全部力量)增加的更少。


②We’ve changed how Hero Power is capped per difficulty.

我們改變了每個難度下hero power)(全部力量)的上限

On Champion and Legendary, your Hero Power isn’t capped at all.

在冠軍(噩夢)和傳奇(天劫)難度下,你的hero power(全部力量)將不會受到上限。

On Recruit, Hero Power above 100 will be subject to scaling. Hero Power between 100 and 600 will be interpolated toward a maximum of 300.

在普通難度下,hero power(全部力量)超過100將會受到調整。Hero power(全部力量)在100-600之間將會被平衡到最高值為300的對應值。

On Veteran, Hero Power between 200 and 600 will be interpolated toward 500.

在困難難度下,hero power(全部力量)在200-600將會平衡到最高值為500的對應值

③.Scaling has been tweaked for damage and cleave (using a 3.5 ratio rather than 3.0).

傷害跟穿透力的倍率進行了調整(使用3.5倍率 而不是3的倍率 )

④.Fixed an issue which caused projectiles to not properly trigger hit or crit procs from traits and talents for clients.


⑤.Fixed an issue where the equipment trait Heroic Intervention wouldn’t function properly on clients.


⑥.On Champion and Legend, the Director will less frequently spawn hordes and specials while the players still are engaged with enemies.


③.Scaling has been tweaked for damage and cleave (using a 3.5 ratio rather than 3.0).

傷害跟穿透力的倍率進行了調整(使用3.5倍率 而不是3的倍率 )

④.Fixed an issue which caused projectiles to not properly trigger hit or crit procs from traits and talents for clients.


⑤.Fixed an issue where the equipment trait Heroic Intervention wouldn’t function properly on clients.


⑥.On Champion and Legend, the Director will less frequently spawn hordes and specials while the players still are engaged with enemies.

