這是我的戰爭 This War of Mine
  • 發售: 2014-11-14
  • 發行: 11 bit studios
  • 開發: 11 bit studios
  • 平台: PC
  • 類型: 動作角色
  • 語言: 簡中 英文
11 Bit Studios宣布推出一款全新的作品《This War of Mine》。遊戲背景設定在一個戰火連連的現代世界,遊戲的視角從機甲戰士轉移到了尋找,你的目標就是去解救平民。《This War of Mine》有 FPS 的玩法,但更多的是一款驚悚的生存遊戲,玩家需要根據個人的道德準則做出艱難的決策。比如,你可以嘗試從避難所救出所有的難民,你也可以隻帶走一部分,剩下的平民安全也會有保障。“戰爭中,並非人人都想赴前線殺敵”,這是遊戲中一句極具諷刺的口號。製作方希望通過本作向世人展示戰爭的另一面:國破家亡,流離失所。

這是我的戰爭 V1.2.2版無限背包時間生命CE修改器


V1.2.2版CE修改器,V6.4 +8,修改腳本。  

據作者說明,此版為R3版,就是適用 V1.1.3、V1.2.0和V1.2.2


這是我的戰爭 V1.2.2版無限背包時間生命CE修改器


[Ctrl+Ins]/[Shift+Ins] = cheats enable/disable

Self explanatory. Keyboard shortcut [Ctrl+Ins] enables all subsequent cheats while [Shift+Ins] disables them. It should be activated first. Same [Ctrl+] enables, [Shift+] disables logic apply for almost all other cheats in this table.

Ctrl + Ins:密技功能啟用(在小屋模式才能開啟);Shift + Ins:密技功能取消

[Ctrl+F1/Shift+F1] = reset & stop time

Resets and stops the time to 6:01 during day and to 21:00 during night. When disabled - time continue it's normal flow.

Ctrl + F1:時間重置於早上6:00或搜索模式的'晚上9:00並鎖定時間;Shift + F1:恢復時間流動

[Ctrl+F2/Shift+F2] = fast action & create

Player actions and creations are much faster or immediate (he, no need for showel anymore...). Certain processes like f.e. water filtering, plant growing and moonshine brewing are not affected by this cheat - they are still slow.

Ctrl + F2:快速完成製作或動作(部分設備如藥草園無效);Shift + F12:取消快速動作

[Ctrl+F3/Shift+F3] = no resource usage

Player creations do not use resources - resources required to craft something are not deducted from "our things". They are still required though.

Ctrl + F3:製作物品時不會消耗資源;Shift + F3:恢復正常

[Ctrl+F4/Shift+F4] = max health

God mode. 'Nuf said. They can kick you, stab you, shoot you - you just stumble a little. Even sniper in the alley is just a loud annoyance.

Ctrl + F4:不損血(得先在小屋模式開啟功能才有效);Shift + F4:恢復正常

[Ctrl+F5/Shift+F5] = one hit kill

Every time you hit an enemy - he is dead (makes pistol the best weapon, but just one punch will also do...).

Ctrl + F5:敵人一擊必殺(得先在小屋模式開啟功能才有效);Shift + F5:恢復正常

[Ctrl+Home]/[Ctrl+End] = day +1/-1

Increases or decreases day number. Useful for selecting which day to play next and/or for listening all the news on the radio in one go.

Ctrl + Home:時間推進一天;Shift + End:時間煺後一天

[Ctrl+PgUp]/[Ctrl+PgDn] = backpack size +1/-1

Ctrl + PgUp:背包尺寸+1;Shift + PgDn:背包尺寸-1

[Ctrl+F12/Shift+F12] = make others disappear

Funny experimental thing from Shinkansen... Go scavenging, press Ctrl+F12 and - poof! All characters beside our scavenger are gone! Actually their height location is set to "up in the sky" and you can hear or even see them "up there", but you will not be bothered by them in your scavenging. Note that once you use this - you can not "bring them back".

Ctrl + F12或Shift + F12:使搜索模式中該地圖的NPC停在半空中,他們不再會影響到你,不過切記一旦使用這功能將無法改回!!




簡體中文描述:This War of Mine_V3_r3 SC.CT

繁體中文描述:This War of Mine_V3_r3.CT

