這是我的戰爭 This War of Mine
  • 發售: 2014-11-14
  • 發行: 11 bit studios
  • 開發: 11 bit studios
  • 平台: PC
  • 類型: 動作角色
  • 語言: 簡中 英文
11 Bit Studios宣布推出一款全新的作品《This War of Mine》。遊戲背景設定在一個戰火連連的現代世界,遊戲的視角從機甲戰士轉移到了尋找,你的目標就是去解救平民。《This War of Mine》有 FPS 的玩法,但更多的是一款驚悚的生存遊戲,玩家需要根據個人的道德準則做出艱難的決策。比如,你可以嘗試從避難所救出所有的難民,你也可以隻帶走一部分,剩下的平民安全也會有保障。“戰爭中,並非人人都想赴前線殺敵”,這是遊戲中一句極具諷刺的口號。製作方希望通過本作向世人展示戰爭的另一面:國破家亡,流離失所。

這是我的戰爭 1.2版更新檔更新翻譯說明 更新了什麽














-修複了Linux和OSX 10.6.8平台上的黑屏問題












Update 1.2 - new big expansion


New big update to the experience of This War of Mine is available now: Update 1.2

The first big thing is a brand new shelter!

From now on, each time you begin your story, you'll have a chance to start in the new building.

The second new feature is the choice of the starting group of characters.

You will have bigger influence on shaping your story of civilians in war, making it more challenging or even giving it a totally new perspective. Please keep in mind that you have to play at least once to unlock this option.

Improvements and tweaks:

Some locations were enhanced

Some animations were improved

NPC behaviors were improved

We have prepared a short video for that occasion, take a look!


Fixes and balancing:

- Fixed screen resolution and refresh rate detection problem, which caused black screen and / or computer freeze on Windows

- Fixed black screen issue on Linux and OSX 10.6.8

- Improved game stability based on crashdumps sent by players

- Fixed a bug with blocked container icons in the shelter

- Fixed a bug with blocked access to crafting menu (icon disappearing or not responding)

- Fixed a bug with the civilian becoming stuck in cover after being shot

- Fixed a bug with wrong number of civilians in the shelter simultaneously

- Extremely exhausted civilian will now lay on the floor instead of standing blocked after returning from scavenge

- The civilian who went to help neighbours on the last day of the war will now have a proper description in the epilogue

- Crafting cancel will return some of the resources now

- Civilians or NPCs should no longer pass through closed doors during a fight

- Eating Raw Food and Vegetables together is now equal to eating a cooked meal or canned food

這是我的戰爭 1.2版更新檔更新翻譯說明 更新了什麽

