飆酷車神 The Crew
  • 發售: 更新:2024-12-21
  • 發行: 平台:PC PS4 XBOXONE XBOX360
  • 開發: Ubisoft
  • 平台: 發售:2014-12-02
  • 類型: 賽車遊戲
  • 語言: 英文
《飆酷車神》又名《車隊》英文名:《The Crew》。在2011年發售了《狂飆舊金山》以後,育碧準備用《飆酷車神》再次在開放世界賽車類遊戲中大展拳腳。在開發過《無限試駕》的Ivory Tower和Ubisoft Reflections的合作下製作出來的《飆酷車神》是一款PC和次世代主機上獨佔的開放世界賽車遊戲,而舞台是整個美國。遊戲包括了超過10000公里的公路和一張穿越需要2個小時的地圖,這些特色都讓這款遊戲非常引人注目。 但是,超大的規模並不是遊戲最吸引人的地方,最吸引人的是開放世界和多人模式相結合的特點。這款遊戲的目的是徹底放棄單人和多人模式分開的老模式,用後台網絡來根據在地圖上的位置匹配玩家。這和Bungie在《命運》上The crew的做法很相似。



英文名稱:The Crew 


遊戲製作:Ubisoft/Ivory Tower








Minimum Configuration (suitable for 30 FPS):

Operating System: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1 (64bit)

Processor:        Intel Core2 Quad Q9300 @ 2.5 GHz or AMD Athlon II X4 620 @ 2.6 GHz (or better)

RAM:              4GB 

Video card:     NVIDIA GeForce GTX260 or AMD Radeon HD4870 (512MB VRAM with Shader Model 4.0 or higher)

DirectX:          DirectX June 2010 Redistributable

Sound:             DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers 

Peripherals:     Keyboard required, XBOX 360 controller optional (or compatible controller) 

Recommended Configuration (suitable for 30FPS):

Operating System: Windows 8/8.1 (64bit)

Processor:        Intel Core i5-750 @ 2.66 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 940 @ 3.0 GHz (or better)

RAM:              8GB 

Video card:     NVIDIA GeForce GTX580 or AMD Radeon 6870 (1024MB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0 or higher)

DirectX:          DirectX June 2010 Redistributable

Sound:             DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers 

Peripherals:     Keyboard required, XBOX 360 controller optional (or compatible controller) 

Recommended Configuration (suitable for 60FPS):

Operating System: Windows 8/8.1 (64bit)

Processor:        Intel Core i7-2600K @ 3.4 GHz or AMD FX-8150 @ 3.6 GHz (or better)

RAM:              8GB 

Video card:     NVIDIA GeForce GTX670 or AMD Radeon 7870 (2048MB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0 or higher)

DirectX:          DirectX June 2010 Redistributable

Sound:             DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers 

Peripherals:      Keyboard required, XBOX 360 controller optional (or compatible controller) 


Supported Video Cards at Release Time:

NVIDIA GeForce GTX260 or better, GTX400, GTX500, GTX600, GTX700, GTX900 series; 

AMD Radeon HD4870 or better, HD5000, HD6000, HD7000, R7 and R9 series;

Latest tested driver: GeForce 340.52 for all DX10 NVIDIA cards (GTX200) and 344.48 for all DX11 NVIDIA cards (GTX400 – GTX900).

Latest tested driver: Catalyst 13.1 for HD4000 series and Catalyst 14.9 for all other Radeon cards.


The Crew requires that a driver more recent than 14.6 is installed for Windows 7 and 8/8.1. Performance issues may arise when using inferior versions of the video driver (14.4 and below) on these operating systems.

Laptop correspondent models of the above desktop specifications as well as newer CPU and Video Cards, may work but have not been exhaustively tested.

For the most up-to-date minimum requirement listings, please visit the FAQ for this game on our support website at http://support.ubi.com.


1. 解壓縮

2. 運行遊戲

PS: 眾所周知,該遊戲是全程聯網的網遊,需要正版账號登錄官方的伺服器才可以玩,且無任何離線模式!


