隻狼:暗影雙死 Sekiro:Shadows Die Twice
  • 發售: 2019-03-22 (PC)
  • 發行: Activision
  • 開發: From Software
  • 平台: PC PS4 XboxONE
  • 類型: 動作遊戲
  • 語言: 簡中 繁中 英文 日文
《隻狼:暗影雙死(Sekiro:Shadows Die Twice)》是一款由From Software製作Activision發行的第三人稱視角的動作冒險沙盒類遊戲,玩家將操控一位忍者,拯救他的主人---擁有日本貴族血統的大能的皇子,並向他的天敵復仇。遊戲背景設立於16世紀末的日本戰國,主角是在血腥衝突中瀕臨死亡邊緣下登場的一匹獨狼。玩家將面對的敵人是既恐怖又巨大的各種日本妖魔鬼怪,不過借助強大的忍者技能可以讓我們無聲潛行、勾索滑行各個場景,還可以一對一與這些怪獸搏鬥。

《隻狼:暗影雙死》獎杯列表曝光 四個結局待你挑戰

Reddit論壇上DeftonesBandPSN用戶洩露了疑似《隻狼:暗影雙死》的PS4版獎杯列表,從下圖可以看出,遊戲共計有34個獎杯,其中包括有18個銅杯、11個銀杯、4個金杯和1個白金杯。而從獎杯描述來看,《隻狼 影逝二度》有4個結局、11個BOSS。除了BOSS獎杯外,還有一系列忍術、義肢等內容的相關獎杯。(後附詳細獎杯列表

《隻狼:暗影雙死》獎杯列表曝光 四個結局待你挑戰

《隻狼:暗影雙死》獎杯列表曝光 四個結局待你挑戰

《隻狼:暗影雙死》獎杯列表曝光 四個結局待你挑戰

《隻狼:暗影雙死》獎杯列表曝光 四個結局待你挑戰

《隻狼:暗影雙死》獎杯列表曝光 四個結局待你挑戰


Platinum - Sekiro - All trophies have been unlocked 獲得所有獎杯


Man Without Equal - Defeated all bosses 擊敗所有BOSS

Ashina Traveler - Traveled to all areas of the game 踏遍遊戲所有區域

Master of the Prosthetic - Upgraded all Prosthetic Tools to their limit jiang 將所有義肢工具升至頂級

Height of Technique - Acquired all skills 獲得所有技能


All Prosthetic Tools - Acquired all Prosthetic Tools 取得所有義肢工具

All Ninjutsu Techniques - Acquired all Ninjutsu Techniques 學會所有忍術

Peak Physical Strength - Upgraded Vitality and Posture to their limit 將血量和精力升至頂級

Ultimate Healing Gourd - Fully upgraded the "Healing Gourd" 將“治愈葫蘆”升至頂級

Immortal Severance - Attained the "Immortal Severance" ending 完成“永生的斷絕”結局

Purification - Attained the "Purification" ending 完成“ 淨化”結局

Dragon's Homecoming - Attained the "Return" ending 完成“回歸”結局

Shura - Attained the "Shura" ending 完成“修羅”結局

Sword Saint, Isshin Ashina - Defeated "Sword Saint Isshin Ashina" 擊敗“劍聖 蘆名一心”

Master of the Arts - Grasped the inner mysteries of any combat style 掌握所有戰鬥風格的戰鬥奧秘

Lazuline Upgrade - Used Lapis Lazuli to upgrade any tool to its limit 使用青金石將任意工具升至頂級


Revered Blade - Received the "Kusabimaru" from Kuro 從庫羅處獲得“不死斬”

Shinobi Prosthetic - Acquired the Shinobi Prosthetic 獲得忍者義肢

Memorial Mob - Encountered the Memorial Mob 遭遇追悼暴民

Resurrection - Returned from the dead using "Resurrection" for the first time 第一次從死亡中“複生”

Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa - Defeated "Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa" 擊敗“奧庭刑部”

The Phantom Lady Butterfly - Defeated "Lady Butterfly" 擊敗“蝴蝶女士”

Genichiro Ashina - Defeated "Genichiro Ashina" 擊敗“蘆名源一郎”

Guardian Ape - Defeated the "Guardian Ape" 擊敗“守護猿”

Guardian Ape Immortality Severed - Used the Mortal Blade to sever the Guardian Ape's undying 使用武器斬破守護猿的不死身

Folding Screen Monkeys - Caught the Folding Screen Monkeys 抓住屏風猴子

Great Shinobi - Owl - Defeated "Great Shinobi - Owl" 擊敗“梟”

Father Surpassed - Defeated "Great Shinobi - Owl" at the Hirata Estate 在平田莊擊敗“梟”

Corrupted Monk - Defeated the "Corrupted Monk" 擊敗“破戒僧”

Gracious Gift of Tears - Defeated the "Divine Dragon" and obtained the "Divine Dragon's Tears" 擊敗“聖龍”並獲得“聖龍之淚”

Isshin Ashina - Defeated "Isshin Ashina" 擊敗“蘆名一心”

Demon of Hatred - Defeated the "Demon of Hatred" 擊敗“憎惡惡魔”

Great Serpent - Defeated the "Great Serpent" 擊敗“大蛇”

Great Colored Car - Defeated the "Great Colored Carp"  擊敗“大錦鯉”
