鹽與聖所 Salt and Sanctuary
  • 發售: 2016-05-18 (PC)
  • 發行: Ska Studios
  • 開發: Ska Studios
  • 平台: PC Switch
  • 類型: 角色扮演
  • 語言: 英文 多國
《鹽與聖所(Salt and Sanctuary)是由Ska Studios製作發行的一款2D橫版動作類遊戲,本作的靈感來自於《惡魔城》和《黑暗靈魂》,遊戲看上去非常陰暗,並且充滿血腥和暴力。 遊戲玩法: 遊戲中玩家可以在聖殿庇護所和NPC對話,召喚同伴加入戰鬥。和暗黑3一樣,只要有人加入你的隊伍,遊戲中的怪物就會變強許多,角色的治療技能也會在一定範圍內給同伴加血。 除了雙打過關,遊戲中還加入了PVP模式,玩家可以使用憤怒之蛋來開啟,道具可以在雇傭兵處購買。 《鹽與聖所》的戰鬥系統將非常富有深度,單手武器搭配盾或者副手弩多樣組合,也可以雙持重型武器,每種武器都有各自獨特的動作設計,遠程攻擊也魔法,弓箭系,還可以投擲小刀等道具。當然負重越高對你的速度,回復影響越大,所以防禦和敏捷之間的取捨將非常有意思。 遊戲的戰鬥系統將非常富有深度,玩家可以單手武器搭配盾或者副手弩多樣組合,也可以雙持重型武器,每種武器都有各自獨特的動作設計,遠程攻擊有魔法,弓箭系,還可以投擲小刀等道具。當然負重越高會對你的速度,回復影響也就越大,所以防禦和敏捷之間的取捨將非常有意思。

鹽與聖所劇情NPC對話中文精譯 劇情NPC在說什麽

 或許這座島只是個充滿著惡棍的絕望之地吧。Or maybe it's just an island full of desperate wretches.

無論如何,我的確聽過一種離開此地的說法。有個像你一樣的船難水手曾對我道:“就在所有東西的最下面!”At any rate, I've heard of one way out. A shipwrecked sailor like you told me: it's at the very bottom of everything."

然後呢,他就從懸崖上跳到海裡去了。我十分懷疑他到底找到他想要的東西沒…Then he threw himself from a cliff into the sea. I doubt he found what he was looking for..."

沿海灘往前有個無所屬的空教所,你可以將它轉換為你信仰的教派。There's an empty sanctuary up the beach. You can claim it for your creed.

你還記得你所信仰的教派是什麽吧?Do you remember what your creed was?

瑪柯鐸大陸北部群山之中的那些人屬於鋼鐵族裔教派。Men from the mountains of the northern continent of Markdor are Iron Ones.

他們不信仰任何神而崇拜個人鋼鐵意志。他們喜歡鋼鐵而討厭魔法。They believe in no gods, believing instead in the iron will of man. They love steel but hate magic.

那麽,你是鋼鐵族裔教派的一員嗎?Are you a member of The Iron Ones, then?

大部分人分別追隨三種權利:君王之權、騎士之權和法官之權。Most men follow the three deities: The King, The Knight, and The Judge.

君王給予領袖以智慧,騎士保護作戰的戰士,而法官指引守序之人。The King lends wisdom to men who lead, The Knight protects warriors in combat, and The Judge guides those who maintain order.

那麽,你是三權分位教派的追隨者嗎?Are you a follower of The Three, then?

光明女神的追隨者們崇拜著鐸拉,這位謙卑、仁慈、寬恕之神。Followers of the Goddess of Light worship Devara, deity of humility, kindness, and forgiveness.

信奉她的教派或許是最為古老的一門宗教,當然這全都拜賜於該教派牧師們細致記錄的不倦之功。Her creed is perhaps the oldest known creed, though this could be a consequence of its clerics' meticulous recordkeeping.

那麽,你是鐸拉聖光教派的信眾嗎?Are you a pilgrim of Devara's Light, then?

磐石蠱根教派的追隨者們,即廣為人們所稱呼的“森之怨靈”,是一群非常狡猾的匪徒和製毒者。Followers of the Stone Roots, known to most of the world as Woodswraiths, are a tricky bunch, full of bandits and poisoners.

如森林本身一樣,他們不遵循律法,去其之所想去,取其之所意取。Like the forest itself, they follow no laws, going where they please, and taking what they like.

那麽,你是個森之怨靈嗎?我可希望你不是啊。Are you a Woodswraith, then? I hope you're not.

東方的法師們通過位面會接與火天之神交流來修習強力的魔法技藝。Mages to the East learned to craft powerful magic through interplanar links to The Gods of Fire and Sky.

火天之魔法極具毀滅之力,在東方的大堡塞研究這種魔法的習法者們被稱為法衛。Fire and Sky magic, awesome in its destructive power, is studied in a citadel to the East by practitioners of magic, called Keepers.

那麽,你是火天法衛教派的信眾嗎?Are you a Keeper of Fire and Sky, then?

你是三權分位教派的追隨者啊,我就知道。You're a follower of The Three, as I suspected.

這個三枝燭台,是你那教派的信記之物。Here is a Candelabra of the Three, icon of your creed.

你是鋼鐵族裔教派的一員,對吧?那麽這兒的神也不會幫你咯。You're a member of the Iron Ones, eh? No gods will help you here.

那麽請收下這個鐵球標記吧。Accept this Metal Icon then.

光明女神的追隨者麽。那麽你的旅程將會異常坎坷啊。A follower of the Goddess of Light. Your journey will be difficult.

請收下這個陶土甕罐,它會給前方無所屬的空教所帶來鐸拉之祝福。Accept this Earthen Vessel, it will bring Devara's blessing to the vacant sanctuary ahead.

一位森之怨靈麽,呃。可千萬不要樹敵太多咯。A Woodswraith, huh. Try not to make more enemies than you need to.

我將這個岩石橡果給你吧。I'll give you this Stone Acorn.

稀奇啊,一名火天法衛。那我祝願在這座島上,你的神能與你同在。How rare, a Keeper of Fire and Sky. Lets hope your gods followed you to this island.

我這兒有個生存籍典可以送給你。I have for you a Living Tome.

不是的嗎?那你所信仰的教派是什麽呢?No? What was your creed, then?

沿海灘往前走吧,你可以找到那個無所屬的空教所。Make your way up the beach, until you find the vacant sanctuary.

記住你可得將我交給你的教派信記放在祭壇上哦。You'll place the icon I gave you upon the altar.


似乎有人很信任你啊。Someone's put quite a bit of faith in you.

雖然可能你會有壓力…但我認為信任你應該是沒錯的吧。It's a lot of responsibility... but I think that faith is well placed.

你好,朋友。Hello, friend.

賣東西啦,隻收現錢咯。Trinkets to sell, trinkets for coin.

朋友,你能來我可真高興。Friend, I'm so happy you came along.

我收集了不少好貨喲。東西啦、西東啦,諸如此類。I've gathered things. Trinkets. Trinkets and such.

東西換金幣,我專門乾這個。記得隻收現錢咯。Trinkets for gold, that's what I've got. Trinkets for coin.

願天主保佑你。Gods bless.

你怎麽來到這兒的?我是偷渡碰巧來的。我以前在丹尼博賣東西,就是用東西換金幣啦。How'd you end up here? I stowed away. Sold trinkets in Taenibir, trinkets for coin.

不過我們那兒很窮。據說卡爾希比較富。聽說我這樣的窮鬼在卡爾希都雇得起傭人啊。So poor though. Talk of wealth in Kar'hi. Even beggars like me've got manservants there, they say.

於是就偷渡麽…航著航著…然後…遇到風暴了。Stowed away. Sailed... then... that storm.

你無法想象那些水手當時驚訝的表情!當他們看到我這個老實巴子和他們一同在船骸邊的時候。Imagine the surprise on those sailors' faces! Seein' the likes of me in the wreckage there with all of 'em honest men."

我們所有人…都漂在海中,扒著木板,在冰冷的海洋中瑟瑟發抖…All of us... floating in the sea, clinging to planks, shivering in the icy cold...

也不清楚到底有多少人真的能活著漂到海岸上。Not sure how many of the others made it to shore.

那瑟抖、顫栗的海岸啊…That shivering, shivering shore..."

看起來你的金幣不少…You seem like you've got the coin...

不過我在這兒找到的東西都賣得很好,很好的哦。But the trinkets I find here, they do sell, they do.

現在我也算是發達了,很快就能買出一片天,逃離這裡咯!Doing quite nicely, I am. Soon enough I'll be able to buy my escape!

但該怎麽逃…怎麽逃呢…Somehow... somehow...


你好啊,朋友!Well hello, friend!

我在這裡找到個舒適又安全的地方。I found a nice safe spot up here, I did.

雖然顧客可能不多,但正好可以趁機放鬆一下。Might not see a lot of customers, but I could use the break.

得好好整理下我的東西啦!Have to sort my trinkets!

整理東西…按顏色還是形狀來呢!Sorting all the trinkets... color and the shape!

鹽與聖所劇情NPC對話中文精譯 劇情NPC在說什麽
