鹽與聖所 Salt and Sanctuary
  • 發售: 2016-05-18 (PC)
  • 發行: Ska Studios
  • 開發: Ska Studios
  • 平台: PC Switch
  • 類型: 角色扮演
  • 語言: 英文 多國
《鹽與聖所(Salt and Sanctuary)是由Ska Studios製作發行的一款2D橫版動作類遊戲,本作的靈感來自於《惡魔城》和《黑暗靈魂》,遊戲看上去非常陰暗,並且充滿血腥和暴力。 遊戲玩法: 遊戲中玩家可以在聖殿庇護所和NPC對話,召喚同伴加入戰鬥。和暗黑3一樣,只要有人加入你的隊伍,遊戲中的怪物就會變強許多,角色的治療技能也會在一定範圍內給同伴加血。 除了雙打過關,遊戲中還加入了PVP模式,玩家可以使用憤怒之蛋來開啟,道具可以在雇傭兵處購買。 《鹽與聖所》的戰鬥系統將非常富有深度,單手武器搭配盾或者副手弩多樣組合,也可以雙持重型武器,每種武器都有各自獨特的動作設計,遠程攻擊也魔法,弓箭系,還可以投擲小刀等道具。當然負重越高對你的速度,回復影響越大,所以防禦和敏捷之間的取捨將非常有意思。 遊戲的戰鬥系統將非常富有深度,玩家可以單手武器搭配盾或者副手弩多樣組合,也可以雙持重型武器,每種武器都有各自獨特的動作設計,遠程攻擊有魔法,弓箭系,還可以投擲小刀等道具。當然負重越高會對你的速度,回復影響也就越大,所以防禦和敏捷之間的取捨將非常有意思。

鹽與聖所中文獎杯列表一覽 鹽與聖所有什麽獎杯

獎杯圖示 獎杯說明
遊民星空 #1Saltborn (生而為鹽)

Achieve all possible trophies.


遊民星空 #2The Banquet (盛宴)1 Tips

Defeat the Sodden Knight.

擊垮Sodden Knight

遊民星空 #3The Village (村落)4 Tips

Defeat the Queen of Smiles.

擊垮Queen of Smiles

遊民星空 #4The Keep (牆堡)3 Tips

Defeat the Kraekan Cyclops.

擊垮Kraekan Cylops

遊民星空 #5The Forest (叢林)2 Tips

Defeat the Mad Alchemist.

擊垮Mad Alchemist

遊民星空 #6The Imposter (贗品)1 Tips

Defeat the False Jester.

擊垮False Jester

遊民星空 #7The Castle (城堡)4 Tips

Defeat the Kraekan Wyrm.

擊垮Kraekan Wyrm

遊民星空 #8The Red Hall (紅廳)2 Tips

Defeat the Tree of Men.

擊垮Tree of Men

遊民星空 #9The Cave (洞穴)

Defeat the Disemboweled Husk.

擊垮Disemboweled Husk

遊民星空 #10The Mire (泥潭)

Defeat that Stench Most Foul.

擊垮Stench Most Foul

遊民星空 #11The Dome (穹頂)

Defeat the Untouched Inquisitor.

擊垮Untouched Inquisitor

遊民星空 #12The Sacrifice (犧牲)2 Tips

Defeat the Third Lamb.

擊垮Third Lamb

遊民星空 #13The Ziggurat (神塔)

Defeat the Dried King.

擊垮Dried King

遊民星空 #14The Construct (結構)

Defeat the Bloodless Prince.

擊垮Bloodless Prince

遊民星空 #15The Ruins (廢墟)

Defeat the Coveted.


遊民星空 #16The Pitchwoods (燧木)1 Tips

Defeat Carsejaw the Cruel.

擊垮Carsejaw the Cruel

遊民星空 #17The Lake (湖泊)3 Tips

Defeat the Witch of the Lake.

擊垮Witch of the Lake

遊民星空 #18The Alkymancery 1 Tips

Defeat the Unskinned and the Architect.

遊民星空 #19The Crypt (密室)

Defeat Kraekan Dragon Skourzh.

擊垮Kraekan Dragon Skourzh

遊民星空 #20The Palace (宮殿)

Defeat the Nameless God.

擊垮Nameless God

遊民星空 #21Find Sanctuary (庇護)4 Tips

Claim your first sanctuary.


遊民星空 #22Find Salvation (救贖)1 Tips

Escape the island.


遊民星空 #23The Unspeakable Deep (無名)3 Tips

Defeat the Unspeakable Deep.

擊垮Unspeakable Deep

遊民星空 #24Coastrock (海岩)1 Tips

Aid a despondent thief.

幫助Despondent Thief

遊民星空 #25Wise Words (箴言)1 Tips

Aid a questing knight.


遊民星空 #26Fading Fast (漸隱)3 Tips

Aid an unraveling sorceror.


遊民星空 #27Branded (烙印)

Discover your first brand.


遊民星空 #28Storied (演義)2 Tips

Bear all possible brands.


遊民星空 #29The Three (燭台)1 Tips

Take an oath to The Three.

宣誓效忠於The Three

遊民星空 #30Devara's Light (神燈)1 Tips

Take an oath to Devara's Light.

宣誓效忠於Devara's Light

遊民星空 #31The Iron Ones (某鐵)2 Tips

Take an oath to The Iron Ones.

宣誓效忠於The Iron Ones

遊民星空 #32The Stone Roots (石根)4 Tips

Take an oath to The Stone Roots.

宣誓效忠於The Stone Roots

遊民星空 #33Keepers of Fire and Sky (守護)2 Tips

Take an oath to the gods of Fire and Sky.

宣誓效忠於元素(Fire and Sky)之神

遊民星空 #34The House of Splendor (耀堂)2 Tips

Take an oath to The House of Splendor.

宣誓效忠於The House of Splendor

遊民星空 #35Order of the Betrayer (變節)6 Tips

Take an oath to the Order of the Betrayer.

宣誓效忠於Order of the Betrayer

遊民星空 #36Devoted (捐軀)6 Tips

Achieve the maximum devotion level in your creed.


遊民星空 #37Honed (磨劍)8 Tips

Achieve the maximum upgrade level of a weapon.


遊民星空 #38Dominion (登極)5 Tips

Become the new lord of the island.


鹽與聖所中文獎杯列表一覽 鹽與聖所有什麽獎杯
