尋路者傳奇:擁立國王 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
  • 發售: 2018-09-25 (PC)
  • 發行: Deep Silver
  • 開發: Owlcat Games
  • 平台: PC PS4 XboxONE
  • 類型: 角色扮演
  • 語言: 簡中 英文
《尋路者傳奇:擁立國王(Pathfinder: Kingmaker)》是由Owlcat Games製作發行的一款RPG遊戲,是桌遊RPG《開拓者》的最新續作。遊戲吸取了許多經典遊戲元素,《柏德之門》、《異域鎮魂曲:折磨》,《冰風之谷》,力求打造一款融合帝國建設、統治、探索為一體的內容豐富的桌面RPG遊戲。這裡不僅會有熟悉的角色和知名的地點會重現,整個王國的建造也不是簡單的要塞打造。遊戲中每個王國會成為玩家所選策略的真實反射,包括專政方案、外交策略等等。




進階職業1:詭術師 Arcane Trickster


Few can match the guile and craftiness of arcane tricksters. These prodigious thieves blend the subtlest aspects of the arcane with the natural cunning of the bandit and the scoundrel, using spells to enhance their natural thieving abilities. Arcane tricksters can pick locks, disarm traps, and lift purses from a safe distance using their magical legerdemain, and as often as not seek humiliation as a goal to triumph over their foes than more violent solutions.

很少有人能比得上詭術師 Arcane Trickster的狡詐和奇詭。這些奇異的盜賊將最微妙的秘術與盜賊的狡猾結合在一起,使用法術來增強他們與生俱來的偷竊能力。

詭術師 Arcane Trickster擁有撬鎖,解除陷阱,一定安全距離的扒竊戲法等技能。相較於暴力,他們往往傾向於用不羞辱對方的方式來解決問題。

The path to becoming an arcane trickster is a natural progression for rogues who have supplemented their talents for theft with the study of the arcane. Multiclass rogue/sorcerers and rogue/bards are the most common arcane tricksters, although other combinations are possible. Arcane tricksters are most often found in large, cosmopolitan cities where their talents for magical larceny can be most effectively put to use, prowling the streets and stealing from the unwary.

詭術師 (Arcane Trickster),可由盜賊輔修法術進階而成。儘管其它職業組合也可以,但是兼職的盜賊/術士,或者盜賊/詩人成為詭術師則更為常見。

詭術師 (Arcane Trickster)最常出現在大的、世界性的城市,畢竟那裡才是他們大展手腳之地,遊蕩於集市,趁人不備而探囊取物。
