騎馬與砍殺 Mount & Blade
  • 發售: 更新:2024-12-23
  • 發行: 平台:PC
  • 開發: Taleworlds(土耳其)
  • 平台: 發售:2008-09-16
  • 類型: 動作角色
  • 語言: 英文
《騎馬與砍殺》(Mount&Blade)是一款開放的第三/一人稱單人角色扮演(RPG)類型的3D遊戲,它真的是一款神奇的遊戲,遊戲大小不到100MB(原版,不包括各種補丁和MOD),內容卻比現今很多好幾GB的大型遊戲還要豐富,它現在由一個土耳其的開發團隊 TaleWorlds製作(這個小組最初是由一對土耳其夫婦所創立。現在的版本是0.903),這款遊戲的背景是中世紀,沒有添加任何的奇幻元素.M&B最大的魅力是它強化過的戰鬥系統,能夠刻畫真實的騎兵之間的作戰.這種作戰在中世紀那個年代是極其普遍的。

騎馬與砍殺戰團維京征服 重鑄版2.005版更新情況分享

騎馬與砍殺戰團維京征服 重鑄版2.005版更新情況分享


Hello all!

This patch is now live! The changelogs are included below. We hope you are happy with the fixes and additions brought by the new version, including a new "levy" feature in villages! As always, thanks for your continued support in testing and providing feedback on the patches. We really appreciate your help in keeping these releases stable and useful for all players.

Changelog 2.005

# Fixes

- Fixed some scene problems.

- Fixed enemies wounded in battle before fighting.

- Fixed banners problem.

- Fixed minimap issue with flags in battlefield.

- Training peasant quest fixed.

- Fleet split issue.

- Fixed headless Vikings and berserkers.

- Fixed the holmgang loop.

- Fixed slave markets auto rebuild.

- Fixed tutorial ship in storyline.

- Game pausing bug fixed.

- Fixed King Horik's conversation in storyline.

- Fixed Flag-shield symbol mismatch.

- Fixed quicksavegames issue in Morrigan's Lair.

- Fixed inifinity money exploit in bandit lairs.

- Fixed marriage quest never ends issue.

- Fixed some scene problems.

- Fixed snowy battlefield in Scotland.

- Fixed diplomatic alliance issue with Minister.

- Fixed Refuge port issue.

- Other minor fixes.

# Balance

- Ajusted special smiths' prices.

- MP: Added cooldown to polls to avoid abuse.

- MP: Added crosbows for Picts.

- MP: Some ajustments to balance multiplayer.

- MP: Removed horses from Thor's Champion mode.

- Lord conversion dialog.

- Adjusted the aim of throwing spears.

- Altered adultery ratios.

- Tweaked villages loot, burn and enslave actions.

- Modified Royal Sandbox relations with vassals.

- Changed probability of Berserkrs and Ulfheddin becoming uncontrollable.

- MP Raid: Re-balance teams.

- Ajusted stamina penalty for AI.

- Adjusted center production prices.

# New / Changes

- Added levy feature in villages.

- Demolish slave market option added.

- Exanded dog feature information in your in-game notes.

- New gear to adventurers (NPCs going solo).

- Revoked recruitment rights if relations go less than -20 with village or lord.

- Weapon break now is optional.

- Extra information for "find lyre" quest.

- Redid Fjord scene for Multiplayer.

- Improved Spanish translation.

- Accesible Morgant and Donnchadh while player plays storyline.

- Abbot no longer accessible during monastery pillages.

- Other minor balancing.










-調整了holmgang loop(不知道是什麽)




















-修改了搶劫,燒毀 和 奴隸 村莊的動作
















-Morgant 和 Donnchadh可進入,當玩家玩劇情模式時。



騎馬與砍殺戰團維京征服 重鑄版2.005版更新情況分享

