俠盜獵車手5 Grand Theft Auto V
  • 發售: 2015-04-14 (PC)
  • 發行: Rockstar Games
  • 開發: Rockstar North
  • 平台: PC PS4 XboxONE PS3 Xbox360
  • 類型: 動作角色
  • 語言: 繁中 英文
《俠盜獵車手5(Grand Theft Auto V)》是由Rockstar製作發行的一款圍繞犯罪為主題的開放式動作冒險遊戲,遊戲背景洛聖都基於現實地區中的美國洛杉磯和加州南部製作,遊戲擁有幾乎與現實世界相同的世界觀。玩家可扮演三位主角並在任意時刻進行切換,每位主角都有自己獨特的人格與故事背景,以及交織的劇情。

俠盜獵車手5玩家必備MOD 實現進入建築內無縫連接




1. LifeInvader offices

2. Tequi-la-la

3. Sandy Shores sheriff department

4. Paleto Bay sheriff department

5. Lazlow’s stadium

6. Cluckin Bell factory

7. Bahamas Mamas West nightclub (R* blocked it off, so you teleport in by standing at the front doors)

8. Comedy club (you teleport in by standing at the front doors)

9. The O’Neil farmhouse

10. The “Humane Labs”

11. FIB building bottom floors

12. FIB building floor 49 (access through first elevator)

13. FIB building burnt out floors 47 – 53 (access through second elevator)

14. Hospital

15. Epsilon storage room

16. Lester’s sweatshop

17. Jewellery store

18. Building under construction beside jewellery store

19. Lester’s house

20. Franklin’s aunt’s house

21. Janitor’s apartment

22. Foundry

23. Recycling plant

24. Meat packing facility

25. Simeon’s dealership

26. Torture building

27. Morgue (R* blocked it off, so you teleport in by standing at the front doors)

28. Madrazo’s ranch (doors open, but R* put an invisible wall there :\ )

29. Floyd’s house

30. Devin Weston’s chop shop

31. Omega’s lab

32. Paleto Bay bank

安裝mod須知:玩家必須確保Alexander Blade’s ScriptHookV工具已被安裝。剩下的就是解壓檔案,複製粘貼了。你下次打開遊戲就可以享受這個功能了。

