遠征軍維京 Expeditions: Viking
  • 發售: 更新:2025-01-02
  • 發行: 平台:PC
  • 開發: Logic Artists
  • 平台: 發售:2017-04-27
  • 類型: 策略遊戲
  • 語言: 英文
 Logic Artists工作室日前公布了自家開發的歷史系列RPG“遠征軍”系列新作《遠征軍:維京》。該作品設定在公元700年時代,是一款典型的查略回合製RPG,玩家將率領自己的部族展開戰鬥。為了維持自己部族的繁榮,玩家必須進行遠征、冒險,並對抗敵人守衛故土,還有各種外交因素。 開發者表示新一代作品繼承了原來第一代作品《遠征軍:征服者》的特點,並聽取了玩家的很多建議,比如加入了可升級的玩家村莊,當然有些時候他們需要從遠征返回並守衛這些地方。 現在地區間旅行和戰鬥將在同一個層面進行,從自由的探險過程到回合製戰鬥切換也會十分流暢。 另外玩家還能在遊戲世界中看到自己的角色形象,而不像原來作品一樣只能進行對話和決策,現在可以在旅行和戰鬥中觀察自己的自定義角色。

遠征軍維京存檔修改教程 遠征軍維京存檔怎麽修改


遠征軍維京存檔修改教程 遠征軍維京存檔怎麽修改

1.在 Documents/My Games/Expeditions Viking/Savegames找sav存檔檔案



粘貼在文檔裡,Key輸入 18076345130845763015638568135838,Algorithm選Rijndael-128,mod選ECB,點Decrypt this






2.finese介紹裡會改變暴擊率,但是我修改了之後發現並沒有用,critical chance還是10%




Saves should be located at Documents/My Games/Expeditions Viking/Savegames

Saves consist of a folder filled with a bunch of irrelevant stuff, a .png thumbnail, and a .sav file. The .sav is the one we're interested in; it's basically just a simple JSON file that's been Rijndael-128 encrypted in ECB mode, then base64 encoded.

Decrypting this can be done with simple online tools. However, re-encrypting in this format is kind of a problem without a special utility of some kind. Fortunately, we don't actually need a special utility -- the game falls back from failed decryptions by attempting to load the .sav file's raw data. Basically, this means saves can be in unobfuscated JSON and still work fine.


MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR SAVE. Seriously, don't come whining to me if you jack this up and can't load any saves anymore.

Open up an instance of this tool. It's the one I had the best luck with. If you don't trust that link, just google around for any online Rijndael-128 (or AES-128, same thing for this application) decryption tool and take your pick. They should all work.

Open your saves directory (Documents/My Games/Expeditions Viking/Savegames) and locate the savegame in question using a proper text editor (Notepad++, Sublime, etc.)

Copy the entire content of the save file. It should look like gibberish.

Paste the content of the save into the ciphertext area of your tool of choice (the big box on the one I linked). This might hang your browser for a second, it's a lot of text.

Use the decryption key 18076345130845763015638568135838 (this was extracted from the game binaries with ILSpy, for anyone keeping score; see SaveGame.SaveGameHandler.EncryptData() and .DecryptData() for details)

Ensure that your decryption tool of choice is set to use the Rijndael-128 algorithm in ECB mode.

Hit the Decrypt/Go/Whatever button. The resulting text should be more or less readable even to laypeople.

Copy and paste the resultant text back into your .sav file, overwriting the existing contents.


(((EDIT: after poking some more save files, it appears the order isn't constant. Still, everything'll be in there. as described below.)))

Everything's in here, poke around. Story flags are pretty much at the end. Character info (stats, skills, loyalty, etc.) is relatively early on, and item information is all in the middle. Items are generally easiest to find by referencing their IDs off of a character's equipment list, but there's a lot of extraneous ones. The SchematicInventory section contains counts of your armor schematics.

If you're intersted, please see also this guide on how to reset a character's skills to allow them to be re-leveled.

Once you've made whatever mods necessary, save your changes and load the save up. It should work straight without re-encryption.

JSON is a pretty resilient format, normally. The only thing you can really do to screw it up would be deleting/adding a comma, colon, or brace when you shouldn't have. A full guide on JSON is obviously beyond the scope of this post, but the internet should be able to indulge anyone who needs it.

Happy editing!
