邊緣禁地 Borderlands
  • 發售: 更新:2024-12-29
  • 發行: 平台:PC Switch
  • 開發: Gearbox Software
  • 平台: 發售:2009-10-20
  • 類型: 第一人稱射擊
  • 語言: 英文



1 - 玩家須在物品欄單擊元素石以激活它,激活之後,該元素石會從物品欄中消失,添加到玩家的特殊技能上。其元素屬性顯示在人物技能樹左上角

2 - 左上角顯示的圖標是玩家當前激活的元素屬性。

3 - 想換一種元素,點擊元素圖標,從下拉列表中選擇你想換用的元素屬性,單擊確定。

4 - 裝備一個更高等級的元素石,會替換掉當前的低等級同屬性元素石,此操作不可恢復。

5 - 元素屬性加成限單獨使用,兩種元素屬性不可同時生效。

6 - 各職業均有其職業專用元素石,不可互通。元素石的屬性等級取決於其本身等級,一般來說,最高屬性為6級,其本身等級為44級,2周目通關後可用。

7 - 同等級同屬性的元素石不可重複裝備,也就是說,假如你已經裝備一個等級3的電元素石,再撿到一個電3元素石將無法裝備。

屬性等級 1 -------------------- 人物等級需求 14

屬性等級 2 -------------------- 人物等級需求 20

屬性等級 3 -------------------- 人物等級需求 26或32(?)

屬性等級 4 -------------------- 人物等級需求 38

屬性等級 5 -------------------- 人物等級需求 44

屬性等級 6 -------------------- 人物等級需求 44

元素石其實和提升子彈攜帶量上限的SDU很類似。分等級,使用不可逆,高等級的可以替換掉低等級的,但不能反過來。 BY:T611AM





A player "activates" the Artifact by selecting it in their inventory. Upon activating, the artifact will be permanently removed from the character's inventory and artifact is applied to the character's class ability. The artifact is placed on the character's "Skills" tab in the upper left corner.

The currently active Artifact is displayed in the Skill Tree window to the left of the Active Ability.

You can change between artifact types by selecting the icon next to your character's action skill and picking the artifact in the drop down list.

Equipping a higher level artifact of the same type will replace the lower level artifact, but you will not receive the lower level artifact back. It is simply gone.

Artifact bonuses will be in effect until another activated artifact is chosen (ex. Roland's Shock Artifact and Incendiary Artifact cannot both be active; the one most recently activated will provide its effect). You can change the active artifact on the skill page by selecting the icon in the top left, press 'A', and it will open a window to select which Artifact effect you wish to use.

All Artifacts are class specific and the level of the effect the artifact grants depends on the level of the artifact itself. Currently the highest effect is level 6 for artifact level 44, and can be used after completion of the second playthrough.

If you acquire an Artifact of the same level you already have equipped and you try to use it, you will get a message stating that you can not equip it.
