蝙蝠俠:阿卡漢騎士 白金獎杯達成攻略 獎杯怎麽得
蝙蝠俠:阿卡漢騎士 白金獎杯達成攻略 獎杯怎麽得
在蝙蝠俠:阿卡漢騎士中,相信有不少玩家都在為達成白金而努力,那麽遊戲中各個獎杯又該如何達成呢?今天就為大家帶來蝙蝠俠:阿卡漢騎士 白金獎杯達成攻略 獎杯怎麽得,希望對大家有幫助,一起來看吧。
A Battle Within (內心之戰)
Fight for your sanity. 為保持神志清醒而戰 |
A Heart Broken in Two (心碎成兩半)
Secure the secret base. 將秘密基地清理安全 |
As the Crow Flies (像烏鴉飛舞)
Escape from ACE Chemicals. 從ACE化工廠中逃離 |
Be Not Afraid (不再害怕)
Win the war for Gotham. 為高譚市贏得戰爭 |
Brotherhood of the Fist (拳頭兄弟會)
Return of the Dynamic Duo. “活力雙雄”的歸來 |
City of Fear (恐懼之城)
Defend the assault on your ally's fortress. 防禦你盟友堡壘受到的襲擊 |
Cold World (冰冷世界)
Destroy the first weapons cache in Gotham City. 在高譚市摧毀第一個武器藏匿點 |
Dark Wings Fly Away in Fear (黑暗之翼在恐懼中飛走)
What is the Cloudburst? "雲爆"是什麽? |
Death and Glory (死亡與榮耀)
Take out 20 thugs with fear takedowns. 使用恐懼速攻能力擊倒20個惡棍 |
Fear of Faith (信仰之懼)
Rescue the ACE Chemical workers. 拯救ACE化工廠工人 |
Fear of Success (成功的恐懼)
Survive Scarecrow's ambush. 在稻草人的埋伏中活下來 |
Journey into Knight (成為騎士之旅)
Even The Odds. 平攤幾率 |
Living Hell (人間地獄)
Interrogate the Militia APC Driver. 審問叛兵裝甲車駕駛員 |
Master of Fear (恐懼大師)
Wayne vs Crane. 蝙蝠俠對戰稻草人 |
No Man's Land (無人之地)
Restore power to the bridges of Gotham City. 回復高譚市橋梁的通電 |
Strange Deadfellows
Deploy the Cloudburst countermeasures. 部署"雲爆"反製措施 |
The Frequency of Fear (恐懼頻率)
Scan Gotham City to pinpoint Scarecrow's location. 掃描高譚市來定位稻草人 |
The Road to Hell (地獄之路)
Successfully complete the first Riddler trial. 通過第一個謎語人試煉 |
Trail of Fear (恐懼的試煉)
Lock up your first Supervillain in GCPD. 第一次將超級罪犯關入哥譚警局 |
Who Rules The Night (夜的統治者)
Batman vs the Arkham Knight. 蝙蝠俠對戰阿卡漢騎士 |
With a Vengeance! (復仇!)
Take on the heavy artillery reinforcements. 乾掉重型坦克 |
Judgment Day (審判日)
Win the rumble down under. 戰勝挖掘機 |
The Long Halloween (漫長的萬聖夜)
Wayne vs Crane in New Story +. 在"新故事+"中,蝙蝠俠對決稻草人。 |